The Center for Coastal Margin Observation and Prediction (CMOP) has purchased from Hydroid, LLC two Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) for its studies. The REMUS (Remote Environmental Measuring Units) 100 is a compact, light-weight, AUV designed for operation in coastal environments up to 100 meters in depth. The AUVs will be deployed by a newly formed APL-UW AUV group as part of CMOP's experimental observation network which consists of multiple fixed and mobile platforms equipped with oceanographic sensors. The AUV's will be used, primarily, to study the Columbia River plume and estuary region and will be deployed periodically throughout each operational year. We also plan to allow customization of the AUVs by integrating novel biogeochemical sensors to meet specific scientific objectives for the CMOP program. |
REMUS with R/V Oceanus in the distance during May 2012 CMOP cruise on the Columbia River. |
Craig McNeil and Trina Litchendorf load REMUS into small deployment boat |
Andrey Shcherbina, Trina Litchendorf, and an Oceanus crew member prepare to cast off for the vehicle's deployment |
Trina Litchendorf and Andrey Shcherbina prepare to launch REMUS |
Andrey Shcherbina attaches a GoPro camera to REMUS to capture underwater footage |
Andrey Shcherbina and Craig McNeil recover REMUS after test missions in Lake Washington |
REMUS team members Trina Litchendorf and Craig McNeil |
Lifting AUV from case |