Dan Rouseff





Research Interests

Applied Electromagnetics and Acoustics, Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random Media Theory, Acoustic Imaging and Tomography

Department Affiliation



B.S. Electrical Engineering, Washington State University, 1983

M.S. Electrical Engineering, Washington State University, 1984

Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, 1989


2000-present and while at APL-UW

Marine information technology: The best is yet to come

Xu, W., Y.-L. Ma, F. Zhang, D. Rouseff, F. Ji, J.-H. Cui, and H. Yahia, "Marine information technology: The best is yet to come," Front. Inf. Techno. Electron. Eng., 19, 947-950, doi:10.1631/FITEE.1820000, 2018.

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5 Oct 2018

Marine information technology (MarineIT) involves marine information gathering, transmission, processing, and fusion. Traditionally, this topic has been referred to in the context of acoustic, optical, and electromagnetic sensing of the ocean environment, most notably sonar/radar processing and satellite remote sensing. As its embodiment becomes enriched and its scope extends, particularly accompanied by the advancements in cabled or wireless ocean observation networks, it is fair to refer to MarineIT as a dedicated discipline of information technologies. MarineIT plays an important role in many applications, such as marine science research, environmental exploration, resource exploitation, and security and defense. Owing to its specific application domain, it has also become a trending topic of the information technology research.
Like other branches of information science, the development of marine information technology over the last 30 years has benefited significantly from advances and achievements in general information theory. However, the manner in which it highlights the close bonding among propagation physics, signal processing, and the marine environment is seldom seen in other areas. As such, direct applications of general information methods to ocean environments do not usually work well, and MarineIT presents many features different from its terrestrial counterparts. For example, the ocean volume is seemingly transparent to sound, and thus acoustic waves are used as the main information carrier for underwater sensing and communications. Long-range sound propagation is subject to a so-called waveguide effect, spatially bounded by the sea surface and bottom, and temporally experiencing dramatic variation due to ocean dynamics. While the matched filter concept can still be applied, the signal replica used for matching is no longer a free field solution. Instead, a full-field solution has to be modeled, computed numerically, and even tracked for the given channel. In other words, propagation physical modeling and signal processing should match the ocean environment. We have witnessed significant progress in MarineIT in recent years due to field-specific developments in signal and information processing, propagation physics modeling, and oceanographic data collection. The use of new observation platforms, such as underwater and surface vehicles, seafloor observatories, and wireless networks, offers important new opportunities. This special issue assembles eight peer-reviewed articles on underwater acoustic signal processing and communication, optical image processing, remote sensing, and application of unmanned underwater vehicles. This effort is intended to enlighten the research community about the recent progress in the field of MarineIT. It may also offer some insights into identifying important scientific issues to be addressed in the future.

The comparison of bottom parameter inversion in geoacoustic space and in (P,Q) space

Zhao, Z.D., E.C. Shang, and D. Rouseff, "The comparison of bottom parameter inversion in geoacoustic space and in (P,Q) space," J. Comput. Acoust., 25, 1750011, doi:10.1142/S0218396X17500114, 2017.

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1 Jun 2017

The acoustic properties of the sea bottom can be described by geoacoustic (GA) parameters or by reflective parameters: P (phase shift parameter) and Q (absorption parameter). Both in GA space and in (P,Q) space, the parameters are difficult to measure and are instead estimated by inversion methods such as matched field inversion (MFI). In GA space, an assumed model is needed to mount the GA parameters for inverting (model dependent), while the reflective parameters (P,Q) are model-free. In this paper, the efficiency and quality of matched field processing (MFP) in GA space as well as in (P,Q) space are compared and the potential possibility of bouttom sound-speed-profile estimation is discussed.

On the sign of the waveguide invariant

Rouseff, D., and L.M. Zurk, "On the sign of the waveguide invariant," in Proc., OCEANS, 10-13 April, Shanghai, doi:10.1109/OCEANSAP.2016.7485368 (IEEE, 2016).

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10 Apr 2016

Acoustic propagation in the ocean waveguide is characterized by mutual interference between the multiple ray paths connecting a source-receiver pair. In the Russian literature, these interference effects have been distilled mathematically into a single parameter, the so-called waveguide invariant defined as beta. The conventional wisdom is that the numerical value of beta is negative in deep water and positive in shallow water. In the present work, it is shown how the waveguide invariant can bifurcate and simultaneously have both positive and negative components. When bifurcation occurs, range-frequency mappings of acoustic intensity become fragmented. A method to separate the positive-beta components from the negative is sketched and applied to simulated data. Possible applications are discussed.

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